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Pioneering the nanoscale exploration of biomolecules and materials

Simone Ruggeri, Associate Professor leading the Nanoscale Microscopy and Spectroscopy group at Wageningen University (WUR), Netherlands, tells us more about his current projects in the development of nano-analytical imaging and spectroscopic technologies to open a new research window of observation with nanoscale sensitivity in chemistry, biology and materials science.

Analyzing silicon strain with Raman spectroscopy

Strain in semiconductor devices can be used to influence the electronic properties, and is used as so in strain engineering. Renata Lewandowska, product manager for spectral applications at Digital Surf, explains why Raman spectroscopy is an ideal technique for measuring strain, and give us an example.

Correlative microscopy enables comprehensive analysis of geological samples

Application experts at Horiba Scientific and JEOL Europe recently highlighted a technique for precisely relocalizing specific areas of a sample for analysis using various techniques including Raman microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).

Analyzing data from a large-scale multi-instrument project

The Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) in France recently completed the “Dirac III-V” project investigating ways of producing Dirac electrons (electrons without any mass). This project called for the use of many different fabrication methods as well as a software program capable of bringing together and processing the different kinds of datasets generated.

Correlating AFM, SEM & EDX data for nanoparticle analysis

For this application, a research team at the LNE Nanotech Institute combined measurements from several instrument techniques including Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with a new-generation energy dispersive X-ray detector (EDX). They used MountainsLab® software to correlate the collected data and extract the relevant information.

Exploring hyperspectral maps of 2D materials

Tailoring 2D semiconductor heterostructures with specific bandgaps is a key aspect of leveraging new quantum materials for electronics and optoelectronics, one of the hot topics for researchers currently working in nanotech. Craig Wall, applications scientist at Montana Instruments, recently investigated the subject using Mountains® software to analyze results from Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence.

Analyzing photoelectron spectroscopic measurements

Scientists from the ISEN (Institut Supérieur de l’Électronique et du Numérique) in Lille, France, used photoelectron spectroscopy to investigate a new method for growing PbS nanoplatelets on InP surfaces.

Characterizing the silicon dangling bond

Bruno Grandidier, research scientist with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), reports on his work, focused on understanding the electronic properties of silicon dangling bonds.

Assessing the role of formulation spreading in sunscreen efficacy

Researchers at L'Oréal use Raman imaging to study the physicochemical properties of sunscreen to better understand the distribution of UV filters.

Failure analysis in optoelectronic devices

Quantitative cathodoluminescence technology coupled with the power of Mountains® software made it possible to localize and identify degraded layers in state-of-the-art green laser diodes.